By: Nupur Patil Certified nutritionist, fitness and transformation coach.
Given the current scenario, with everybody either working from home or simply staying indoors, keeping your body moving and getting a workout may seem challenging.
But always remember- Where there is a will there’s a way! All you need is to find a nice spot in your home where you can do a quick home workout and get that body stretched.
Here 5 easy exercises that you can do at home:
1. Surya Namaskar :
It is a scientifically proven combination of 12 yoga poses. Each posture is known to have immense benefits ranging from strengthening your back, enhancing flexibility, improving blood circulation and promoting weight loss.

Crunches is an isolation exercise practiced in order to target and strengthen your oblique and abdominal muscles. It helps with strengthening your core which is responsible for maintaining good posture, flexibility and lifting heavy objects.

It is a form of exercise that requires patience and consistent practice as your body gradually builds resistance to it. Once you start making it a part of your routine, you will realise that a regular push up not only tones and builds endurance but is known to activate nearly every muscle in your body.

It is a dynamic movement workout that targets your overall strength and metabolism, gets your heart rate high and improves stamina. Practicing burpees on a regular transforms your body in to a fat burning machine.

Squats and all of its variations are extremely beneficial for the entire body. It helps strengthen the leg muscles and improve your posture. Once your body starts getting comfortable with the number of squats you do, it is time to push yourself and upgrade every week.