Low blood pressure is accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, lack of concentration, persistent headache and many other body ailments and it goes without saying that you should instantly make changes in your eating habits to combat this issue.
While most of the people take it lightly, do not ignore it, as low BP can cause several serious health issues. Hence, today we will tell you how to keep your BP in check:
1.Drink Plenty Of Fluid:
Always keep yourself hydrated. When the water level in your body is low, the blood volume decreases leading to low BP. Drink plenty of fruit and vegetable juices to keep you diet balanced and increase the water intake during the summers.

2.Increase Vitamin B12 Intake:
Anaemia also results in low blood pressure. Include Vitamin B12 in your diet which improves the red blood count in your body, eventually tackling the low BP issue. Vitamin B12 also helps in curing any nervous system injury and nourishes the body.

3.Reduce Carb:
A low carbohydrate diet helps in keeping your blood pressure in check. The main reason behind it is that carbohydrate digests quickly causing a sudden decrease in BP. Moreover, a low Carb meal also helps your body in the long run and saves it from various ailments.