Dance India Dance

Celebrating and recognizing the value of different dance forms across the globe in our life, International Dance Day is celebrated every year on 29 April. Dance is known to lift up your mood and helps in achieving mindfulness along with…

Celebrate The Real Superheroes On Super Hero Day

Superheroes are not the ones wearing capes but the ones in a white coat. Yes, on National Superhero Day, we are saluting the tireless job of health professionals who are giving their best effort to curb coronavirus. While we stay…

Life Changing Hacks To Fall Asleep

One sheep, two sheep, three sheep, four…zzz. If only it were that easy, right? During such crazy and stressful situations, your head goes all fuzzy just before going to sleep. Well, if you got the right tricks, falling asleep in…

Use These Tools For Your Perfect Makeup

Getting that perfect eye-liner or arched eyebrows are a task and more than that matching the makeup of both the eyes becomes even more difficult. So, our human brain for the love of makeup, found some small handy tools to…

A healthy mind, body & soul in times of lockdown!

With the COVID 19 pandemic keeping us homebound, these few weeks have caused quite a ripple in our daily lives. While the scientists and medical experts around the world are racing against time to find a vaccine to fight the…

Charm Of Fruit Peels

Fruits are a great source of nutrients that our body uses to stay healthy and well, they are downright delicious too. One does ignore their skin and peel after removing it to get the delicious center of the fruit. Don’t…

Things To Do With Your Pets While In Quarantine

Everyone is stuck indoors during quarantine and if you are with your pet, that’s the biggest blessing. Forget about getting bored, dogs and cats can brighten up your mood and make your days more fun. Just because you need to…

Aloe Vera For Pimples

Pimples always show up at the wrong time and at the wrong spot your face. One always feels like popping it up as soon as you see it, your hands itch to do that. But well, using ingredients from your…

Spice It Up!

Go wild during the lockdown period and live your fantasies: Make a bold move and get the best of your larder to spice things up in the bed (or not!). Try your hands on these premium food items to unleash…

Get Back Those Pink Lips

Do you notice that your lips are often the first to get affected due to harsh weather and dehydration? Yes, your lips require attention and care too, making it a part of your daily skincare routine. Having the natural pink…

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