If you keep up with regular dental check-ups, it will leave your mouth sparkling and feeling healthy. One of the quickest ways is to remove plaque, the little white or yellow marks that can be seen on the outer surface of the enamel.
Why spoil your lovely smile with plaque?
Apart from regular brushing and flossing, here are few friendly ways you can try at home. Take a look:
1.Brushing With Baking Soda:
A cleaning substance for teeth, just take a tablespoon of baking soda and add a pinch of salt. Dampen a toothbrush and dip it into the mixture, clean your teeth with this regularly and rinse thoroughly.

2.Super Vitamin Paste:
Mash together a nourishing paste with vitamin C fruits like oranges, tomatoes and strawberries. Mix it together to get a thick paste and apply it on the plaque build ups. Leave it on for five minutes and rinse thoroughly, will remove bacteria and keep your mouth healthy.

3.Rub Teeth With Orange Peel:
Directly rub orange peel on your teeth and this will help bacteria that build on the enamel. Apply it and gargle well to notice your teeth whiten.

4.Munch On Sesame Seeds:
Used as an active dental scrub the humble sesame seed gently removes plaque without damaging teeth. Just pop a handful of these seeds and chew up, not swallow. Brush your teeth while the seeds are still in your mouth, see the difference after rinsing your mouth.