The smell might be pretty awful but garlic is an ingredient that can make you glow like a bulb. Loaded with antibacterial, anti-ageing and skin smoothing benefits, garlic can keep your complexion clear and hair growth faster. Take a look at how using home products, you can include garlic in your beauty regime:
For Hair
1. Egg, Honey & Olive oil
For hair nourishment, take a few garlic cloves and extract the juice from them. Add two tablespoon of olive oil, one tablespoon of honey and one egg yolk to the garlic juice. Apply this mixture to your scalp for an hour and rinse it off using a mild shampoo for extra soft hair.
2. Ginger & Coconut Oil
Get back that lost shine in your hair, blend a few cloves of garlic and ginger to get a smooth paste. Heat half a cup of coconut oil and add it to the paste. When the mixture turns brown, strain it and massage your hair with this oil mix. Wait for a couple of hours and wash your hair with warm water.
For Skin
3. Aloe Vera
To get rid of acne, cut a piece of garlic and squeeze the juice. Add fresh aloe vera to it, apply this on your spots and blemishes. Leave it for five minutes and wash off. This home remedy helps to reduce acne. In case it stings, add honey to the mix.
4. Tomato
For reducing the appearance of pores, crush garlic with a piece of tomato. Apply this on your face for ten minutes and rinse it off. This works well to unclog pores and clear your skin.