One would shy away but all of us have experienced bloating. Not proper digestion of the food we intake, makes one experience discomfort and cause bloating. Being quite troublesome, here are few home remedies that one can try to decrease and avoid bloating in the near future:
1. Snack on a Banana
Rich source of carbohydrates and potassium, bananas are excellent bloated stomach cures. Just have one banana after every meal, lowers the sodium quantity and gets rid of that bloated feeling.

2. Chew or Make Tea using Fennel Seeds
Two home remedies, eat small amounts of fennel seeds regularly after meals or in a cup of hot water, add crushed fennel seeds with honey, strain and drink it, will reduce bloating.

3. Drink Peppermint Tea
Brew a cup of hot water with few peppermint leaves, drink it immediately to improve the bloated sensation. It has property to relieve acidity fairly quickly and relieves you off stomach spasm.

4. Sip on Lemon Juice
Squeeze lemon in a glass of warm water, drink this early in the morning as it works best on an empty stomach and you’ll never experience bloating as well as discomfort after a meal.