Be A Foodie For A Healthy Booty

Do you also check out Queen B Beyonce and feel envy of her perfect curves? Though you exercise a lot, your curves don’t come out the way Instagram shows (let us tell you, many people fake it and you should…

Hangover Dealers

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner and the party mood has set in! It’s that time of the year when even those who usually don’t indulge in heavy drinking tend to go overboard. And the repercussions of…

Rescue For Nausea

Feeling queasy? Whether it’s motion sickness, pregnancy related or the dreaded flu, here are ways that will help you cure nausea. Give it a try!   1. Peppermint Aromatherapy One of the best alternatives to reduce nausea is to try…

Ashwagandha: The King Of Ayurveda

One of the most important herbal plants of Ayurvedic medicine, Ashwagandha or Indian Ginseng is known for its calming properties and is widely used to reduce stress. The plant has a distinctive smell like a horse and said to bring…

Take Care Of Hair During Winter

Source: Dr Apoorva Shah   Winter months create a lot of stress on your hair and scalp, apart from the daily concerns of dirt & grime. While for some dry scalp is a chronic concern, for most winter is a…

Organic Hair Dye

At some point in time, we all crave to give a new look to our hair and that does not mean just a stylish haircut. Dying our hair is one of the options that completely change the appearance but the…

Get it, Girl!

If Katrina Kaif is not shooting for any movie, you will definitely find her in the gym to burn off the extra calories. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the actress’s workout routines are not faint hearted and her…

Have A Pain Free Period!

Mother Nature comes knocking, wait banging at women’s door and yet no matter how many times you get periods, women still get affected. From running low to being cranky, the pain and cramps kills women! (Believe us) What’s most important…

Smile Bright!

Do you also smile wide and make people wonder about the various shades of yellow? Or envy the people with a bright white smile? White teeth are God’s blessing and with the passage of time because of our lifestyle, our…

Ice Pops For Your Sore Throat

Savouring on Ice pops during the winter season brings another level of joy. But as the season enters, cold, flu and sore throat has become a common sight, taking us far from our favourite popsicles. But do you know eating…

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