Your weekend pedicure, post-workout shower or barefoot walk have left you with an unwelcome gift- Toenail Fungus. So, using home remedies get your nails to their former glory.
1. Opt For Olive Leaf Extract
With antifungal, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting abilities, olive leaf should be applied directly on the toe nail fungus. Use it once a day to get quick relief.
2. Apply Tea Tree Oil
Used to combat skin conditions, tea tree oil stops and kills fungal infections by breaking down the outer layer of fungal cells. Dab a few drops of tea tree oil on the affected toenails twice a day.
3. Dab Vicks Vapor Rub
Having antifungal properties, use a cotton pad to apply a small amount of Vicks on your nail at least once a day. Apply it when you have time to let it dry, for instance before putting on socks or shoes.
4. Soak In Vinegar
Vinegar’s acidity kills fungus and naturally restores your skin’s pH balance so that it can’t grow back. It is also antibacterial, so soaking your feet in vinegar solution for 30 minutes will help relieve your feet of fungus.