Wellness has become a quotidian term of today’s life and thanks to the pandemic, people are openly talking about promoting overall wellness in every aspect of their living.
As offices are opening and people are slowly and steadily moving back to their workspaces, staying healthy and sustainable in the new world should be of utmost priority. Hence here are a few baby steps that can be followed to be on the top of the health game at the workplace.
Take a look:
1.Fitness Classes:
At every workplace, fitness should be promoted. Conduct Yoga classes or pilates or open up a gyming space for the employees. It will not only improve the health of the workers but also bring a more desirable result to the company. Healthy body and a healthy mind is good for creating a healthy social fabric.

2.Automobile Pooling:
Promote automobile pooling amidst the employees. A must-follow habit which reduces the pressure on our life-supporting nature, vehicle pooling helps in controlling the carbon footprint while reducing the traffic on the road. And above all sharing is caring and always brings good.

3.Expanding Greenery:
Create a green zen hub inside the workplace where low maintenance plants should be put. Amidst the concrete jungles, greenery always is a bliss to the eyes and also makes you a responsible citizen. Do your bit for the environment and bring wellness in your life.