Colouring your hair is exciting but more often than not, a lot of women end up opting out fearing the damage the color might cause. It’s true, any sort of chemical treatment that alters your hair’s color or structure is likely to cause damage but there are ways to keep your hair healthy while flaunting a gorgeous color. So, here are few hair care steps you can follow at home, have a look:
1. Conditioning Treatment
Dryness is one of the after-effects when you color your hair. So, hydrate your hair with conditioning treatments that include home ingredients that can soothe frizz, repair damage and retain moisture. So, mash banana and add a tablespoon of olive oil, yogurt and honey, mix well. Work it from the roots to the tips. Keep it for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water, do this once a week.
2. Oiling
Improving your hair health, regular oiling should be a part of your hair care routine. Apply warm coconut, olive, or jojoba oil on your before bed and wash it off in the morning. It not just helps seal in nourishment and moisture in your hair, oiling forms a protective layer over your hair, protection from sun and heat damage.
3.Protein Mask
Your hair is in dire need of protein after colouring it. The only way to fix this is by nourishing your hair with a DIY protein mask. In a bowl, whip an egg and two tablespoons of mayonnaise to get a smooth mixture. Cover your hair with this for about 45 minutes, wash it with mild shampoo and cool water. Repeat this once a week. Eggs are packed with proteins for nourishment and mayonnaise helps calm frizz and smoothes your hair.