For a well-rounded beauty regime, drink lots of water and rely on simple at-home remedies. One of such natural ingredients you can add to your self-care is Multani Mitti. It only soaks up excess oil, dirt and sweat from the skin, prevents acne and soothes sunburns. Doing a complete clean-up job, Multani Mitti is filled with minerals that helps to boost the flow of nutrients.
Take a look at how you can add Multani Mitti to your everyday skin care routine:
1.Deep Cleansing Hair Mask:
Sweat can weigh your hair down, leaving it dull. Mix two cleansing ingredients, multani mitti with apple cider vinegar and apply to the scalp. This mask will condition the hair, rids the impurities from skin, boost hair growth and reduce frizz.

2.Moisturizing Face Pack:
To soak up excess oil and reduce blackheads, mix multani mitti with tomato juice, a natural astringent that works like a toner. Apply it on for 10 minutes and rinse it off with warm water to feel fresh. Say hello to soft facial skin!

3. Exfoliating Body Scrub:
Relax yourself by taking a long bath and use a body scrub for it. Mix oatmeal with multani mitti in water to emulsify the mixture into a scrub. It will not only soothe your skin but expunge the sweat and dirt. Rejuvenate!

4.Spot Treatment for Zits:
Dry out red inflamed pimples, mix multani mitti and neem powder in water. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties will actively treat breakouts and leave no marks, giving your softer skin with a glow!