The sweet aroma of chikoo is missed by many due to the fleshy brown skin. You either love or hate this fruit. Usually blended into milk for smoothie, the best way to eat this fruit is by itself. With the season of chikoo, relish this fruit and enjoy the healthy benefits it has to offer. Here:
1. For Mom-To Be
Packed with electrolytes, Vitamin A and carbohydrates, chikoos are good during pregnancy especially helps to deal with morning sickness and dizziness. The presence of collagens keeps stomach problems at bay.

2. Cure for Cold and Cough
With monsoons starting out, can cough and cold be far behind?
Chikoo helps to fight congestion, flushes out the phlegm and mucous, keeps the nasal passage and respiratory tract clear while reducing chronic coughs.

3. Great Antioxidant
Chikoo is your one stop shop for dietary fiber, and vitamins A, B, and C. Packed with antioxidants, it prevents oral cavity cancer, reduces wrinkles, softens hair and gives your skin that natural glow.