The unprecedented year 2020 is over now.
We welcomed the new decade on a high note with all the glitz and glamour but it turned out to be an year which brought the world at a standstill, teaching us a lot and giving a break from our ever-busy fast-paced life. The year not only exposed the plight in which most of mankind is living but also made us more thankful for the wee things that we have close to ourselves.
But as we are welcoming 2021, let’s have a retrospective view of 2020 that we should carry ahead in our lives.
Take a look:
1. Stay Safe, Stay Healthy:

Make ‘Stay Safe, Stay Healthy’ your mantra for life. With COVID still out there and new mutated strains of it making a way in our living, we need to be prepared for any uncertainty and stay focused on our well-being. Celebrate the new year but maintain social distancing, practice public hygiene and make ‘Mask’ your best friend while stepping out of your house. It’s high time we keep our ignorance aside and together build a healthy environment.
2. Promote Mental Well-Being:

We have stayed ignorant of mental health since forever and it took a pandemic to make us realise that our brain is a part of our body and mental health is as important as our physical health. It’s no shame to address the issue that has enveloped all of us and showing effect in different ways. Mental issues are not sham and we all need to openly talk about it.
3. Be Kind And Supportive:

We know that human beings are social animals and it takes a lot to establish a healthy and prosperous society. Be kind, supportive and vigilant about the events happening around you. Every act has a reaction and it’s in our hand to bend it to the positive side. And being kind and supportive is not only limited to other humankind but to animals and the environment too.