A good meal is the body’s true necessity but when your stomach is upset, it becomes a bit tricky. You run low on energy and don’t want to aggravate the condition with any food item. Moreover, when you are going through stomach issues, you also need to stay hydrated to stay away from any other body ailments.
Hence, we have a list of food items on which you can rely during the illness period.
Take a look:
1.White Rice:
White rice is full of carbs and gives your body the required energy. It also is easy on your stomach and doesn’t need heavy churning from your already sick stomach for getting digested. Rely on a bit of mushy white rice along with curd and stay energetic.

Reducing your stomach ache, bananas are very easy to digest. They also release antacids that help in curing indigestion and improve mucus production in the body. Banana also helps in reducing the irritation caused to the stomach lining and keeps you full for longer hours.

3.Broth Based Soup:
Broth based soups have high-water content which helps in hydrating your body. They also are a source to electrolyte which provides energy to your body and gives you a balanced diet. Go for freshly prepared soups rather than the packaged ones, which are full of preservatives that lead to further harm.