There are times when you enter your house and a pungent gush of air hit your nostrils but as you get accustomed to it, you forget about it and live with the odour.
But think how your guest must be feeling! Hence, to keep your house fresh and fragrant, try adopting several organic ways that give your ‘home sweet home’ a good upgrade along with a pleasant smell.
Take a look:
1.Air Purifier Plant:
Get low maintenance air purifying plants like lavender, rosemary and more, that help in cleansing the indoor air as well as give a sweet fragrance to your house. This also helps in contributing to the greenery in the world along with bringing an aesthetic appeal to your house.

Potpourri is available in markets, however you can also make it at home. There are gazillions of easy-to-make recipes of potpourri that help you fight the bad odour of your house. The easiest way to do it is by gathering the fragrant flower petals of your choice along with whole spices. Mix them and bake them well. Store it in an airtight box with a few drops of essential oil and use it whenever you want.

3.Scented Candle:
Either get scented candles from the shops or make one at home. Light up your house with these candles and you will definitely be able to notice the warm aroma inside your house that lifts everyone’s spirit. You can also make it easily at home and give it a personalised touch.