Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold is finally launched after being announced in the month of May. The first foldable tablet, ThinkPad X1 has a 13.3 inch display and boasts 300 nits brightness. It runs Windows 10 on an Intel Core i5-L16G7…
Basic Skin Care Routine For Men
It’s 2020 Guys! And investing time in grooming and styling won’t raise a finger on your masculinity and many men across the world love it, accepting it as basic self-care needed by every human. And to be honest, who doesn’t…
Casual Outings In Paltrow’s Style
The famous Pepper Potts, Gwyneth Paltrow has turned 48 and according to the US time zone, she is celebrating her birthday today. On this special day, the Hollywood actress has chosen to bare it all down and pull off the…
Bottas Grabs The Russian Grand Prix Title
Russian Grand Prix at Sochi, Russia has concluded with the familiar faces on top but to everyone’s surprise, the sensational driver Lewis Hamilton is not holding the first position. Mercedes’ Valtteri Bottas in the Formula One race put his best…
Priyanka Chopra’s Unfinished!
Earlier this year Priyanka Chopra has announced that she finished writing her memoir titled ‘Unfinished’, which was one of her long-time dreams. The actress had dropped the news about her book back in 2018 where through a long post she…