Telegram is nearing 500 million users soon and on that occasion, the instant messaging app will begin to monetize to keep the business afloat. The founder Pavel Durov has a two-fold plan to generate revenue starting next year, tweeted about it as well.
Today I outlined the monetization strategy of Telegram. It will allow us to remain independent and stay true to our values for decades to come –
— Pavel Durov (@durov) December 23, 2020
Introducing its own Ad Platform for public one-to-many, Telegram will make it user-friendly while respecting privacy and allowing the app builder to cover the costs of server and traffic.
One can introduce ads in massive open group chats which is run by an individual or a group of people and allows anyone to join in. These ads will be free and integrated within Telegram.
Another way of monetization in Telegram is through premium stickers with additional expressive features. For this, the artists will make stickers of a new type that will be a part of the profit, enabling a way for Telegram-based creators and small businesses to thrive as well as enrich the user experience.
Good news, all existing features will remain free while Telegram generates revenue in a non-intrusive way and fulfills the needs of the demanding user base. The app will also remain as an independent company as it takes the monetization route.