New Year is about to begin and it is time to make some resolutions. Resolutions are always fun to make, we even get carried away in the process and sit down with a long list on the 31st, but we soon tend to fall off the wagon as our resolutions are hard to stick to. It’s tough to keep up the enthusiasm months after you’ve swept up the confetti, but hey! Let’s not say it’s impossible.
Let’s be real – things don’t go well all the time but instead if you know you are progressing nevertheless then you are going good in the game, and that is what your new resolutions should be all about. So let the resolutions be more of worthy and none of un-real, fantasies.
1. Sleep
Resolution- Give the body 7-8 hours of rest every-day.
What a waste thing to start with right? Well, no! Sleep is often underrated specially in today’s world where everyone is on the run. But sleep deprivation makes us irritable, and the insomniacs often experience depression or anxiety. Important for mental and physically robust, an average of 7-9 hours of sleep lets the body and mind rejuvenate and process the accumulated information of the day helping solidify the memory.
2. Social bonds
Resolution- Put some leisure time for family and friends on the schedule.
If researchers are to be believed than people with strong social bonds tend to live longer than the ones who are socially un-active. Your social tie with your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors has a great impact on your emotional, mental as well as physical well being. Whenever your work gets too much of you then plan out meet-ups with old buddies to catch up on each other’s lives, laugh-out the old memories and incidents and power charge yourself with positivity.
3. Cigarettes and Alcohol
Resolution- Gradually cut back on alcohol and cigarettes.
Many have tried all the methods possible to quit smoking and drinking, but you see quitting altogether is never the key. You need to slow down your pace and slowly yet gradually cut down on the number of cigarettes and number of whisky glasses every passing time. The brain’s neurotransmitters get affected and increase the risk of memory loss, depression and seizures; heavy amount even leads to stroke, hypertension, mental deterioration and cancer in lungs, mouth, liver, breast and throat.
4. Travel
Resolution- Take a break, plan a trip and keep aside the travel allowance.
Globetrotters have often been seen going on and on about how travelling has changed their outlook towards life and has brought about many changes in their lives. Traveling is definitely a therapy which lets you connect with the nature and the world. Riding, driving, hiking, scuba-diving, parasailing, camping, trekking, beach strolls and a jungle safari there is so much to traveling which you can do at least once in 2-3 months. Far or near, solo or with group plan on keeping some travel funds aside and Google some smart travel tips.
5. Me time
Resolution- Do my favourite xyz activity every other day.
I am all 24/7 with myself how much more me-time do I need? Well, there is a difference between working to sustain and working for happiness. Me-time leads to better well-being, more engagement at work, better work-life balance and positive confidence in self. Spend some time doing leisure activities that you love like read a book, cook a hearty meal, play with kids in the park, join a zumba/dance class, sing, paint, knit, decorate and everything that takes you closer to yourself.