Holi is a festival of colour. Born and brought up in the northern parts of India, this festival of colour is an integral part of our lives irrespective of religion. Since childhood, I remember, Holi has been holding a special place in my heart.
Taking gulal to school, hiding them from the regular inspection of the management under the desks and waiting for the day to end to paint my friends’ faces with red, green, blue and myriads of other shades. To be honest, it was worth every effort. As I grew up, Holi during college time brought even more exhilaration in life and made most us a sucker for colours.
But on a serious note, when you give it a profound thought and how Holi colours are accepted by every Indian while discarding the real shade of nature. Yes, we failed in accepting general hues of life and here’s why!
A nation that dedicated an entire day to play with colours, does not see the real hues with the same lens. I hope you are getting what I mean but still I would elaborate it more:
1.Menstruation And The Stain:
We are so scared of dark red period colour that we chose to go for blue liquid to demonstrate the sanitary napkins capabilities. A period stain still catches everyone’s eyes and makes them gasp with disgust. When would we accept that it is a part of our lives and shouldn’t be a taboo. To be precise, menstruation is a natural phenomenon. The stain is just like the stain of coffee, tea or food. Why we still are astonished with the fact if a woman is menstruating. Are we doing justice to our own celebration?

2.Skin Tone:
We are ready to accept red, green, yellow, pink and more colours on faces but the dark skin puts us off. Ever gone through the matrimonial advertisements and how proudly the skin tone is discussed in them? When will we start accepting other skin shades apart from the fair ones? Why something which is not in our control still rules the world and our thoughts. Don’t you think it’s high time to leave it behind and grow up?

3.Makeup On Men:
A woman wearing makeup is appraised bold but a man is considered feminie with the same makeup. Since when did makeup have genders? It is for human use irrespective of the clan they belong and anyone can find an attraction for it. After all it’s just lipstick rather than ‘she-lipstick’, foundation and not ‘she-foundation’. So, let everyone rock it and let us be acceptable.