Date – January 9th to February 9th, 2025.
Venue – Method Kala Ghoda, 86, Nagindas Master Rd, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001.
Description – Method Kala Ghoda is starting the new year with a solo show by artist Darshika Singh titled ‘Lip Service to the Transcendental’ running from January 9th to February 9th, 2025 this a series of paintings that employ a process of rhythm and repetition, demonstrating their ability to turn something quantifiable and fixed into something qualitative and fluid.
Although repetition often approaches an idealised process, the work here resists perfection. As no singular gesture remains forever correct, the paintings bend to whim, memory, and fantasy, embracing the unassumed and the intuitive, akin to an evolutionary gene that spreads out, interacting with its environment, adapting, proliferating and mutating all at once.
This repetitive and rhythmic process births an ever-expanding third element – an air of truth – produced and sustained in the work’s layered structures. Atmosphere also asserts itself, turning into an extension of the artist’s hands in an attempt to harness and incorporate any extraneous energies to serve the work’s final intent – the truth of the moment.
This playful engagement within the process becomes an exploration of the innate; a primordial knowing that is forever known to the mind. What ultimately emerges is a bone-dry skeleton of the Self, stripped bare but alive, inviting deeper observation and engagement.
About Darshika Singh –
Darshika Singh (b. Lucknow) works across video and paintings. The current work focuses on:
rhyme, rhythm & repetition; the absurd and the ambient. She has a background in Art, Fashion Design, and Philosophy. Her general approach involves the exploration of the Self through repetitive gestures and simple geometrical shapes interacting with a personal lexicon of symbols.She has been a part of multiple group exhibitions with Method and has shown her work in various cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Philadelphia and London. She is currently a part of Conditions Online Programme (2024-25) under the mentorship of the sculptor James Lewis.
About Method –
“The Revolution introduced me to art, and in turn art introduced me to the Revolution!”
– Albert Einstein
It’s unclear as to whether Einstein was talking about a political or scientific revolution, but it is evident that art and breaking away are intermingled at the core. Method is an introspective and “extrospective” approach to art and the world in which it currently exists. By acknowledging that limitlessness is an inherent characteristic of creativity, we fall beyond the domain of predetermined outcomes not only as artists but as a community. In doing so, we transpose and expand with the movement of art. This cultivates collaboration and experimentation for the purpose of expression as well as Discovery. At present, Method has two physical locations in Mumbai: Kala Ghoda & Bandra.