Dr Priya Kaul Spiritual Life Coach(Hope Creator)
Dr Priya Kaul’s guide to help working women stay stress-free while working from home.
The pandemic has resulted in a new normal which many of us are not used to. From wearing a mask, using sanitizer every now and then to the culture of work from home, everything new about this normal is annoying. Irony is there is no other way out. Hence, it is important to find peace in this new life and stay strong. This time is very crucial for working women, who are trying to find work-life balance and bring in peace. Women who are working from home, dealing with the realities of juggling home responsibilities with work responsibilities, and not really having a clear line between the two need to know that this combination is the perfect recipe for stress, but there are ways to reduce it.
Have a look at the remedies and give them a try.
Shift focus
Sitting for long hours and working continuously can lead to mental blockage with zero productivity. It is suggested to take small breaks after every two hours and shift your focus from one thing to the other. You can use this time for kids, kitchen, gardening or anything else that is equally productive and gives you happiness. The idea is to break the monotony and bring in fresh waves of thoughts.
Change your surrounding
We agree that the study area is the place where you should focus on your work. But given the situation, where you have no colleagues and office ambience, changing places can help break the silence and add a new perspective to your functioning. You may work from the dining table, garden or for that matter you may work from the kitchen while baking, all you need to make sure is an effective Wi-Fi network.
Call friends and family
Make sure that during breaks you call family and friends to know about their well being. This will not only solve the purpose of knowing about them, but will also motivate you to go back to the work desk. Some light moments with them will rejuvenate your energy.
Play with kids
If you are a working mother, then it is important for you to de-stress by spending time with your kids. Their smile and company will remove all your stress and bring in fresh energy.
Meditate and yoga
So what if gyms and fitness centres are closed, you don’t need either for mental well being. All you need to do is practice meditation and yoga every morning and evening to find mental peace. You may pick one corner of your open terrace or balcony and start practicing and feel the change. For this, you can refer to various authentic and verified YouTube channels and social media pages.
Use music
When you feel negative, play motivating and relaxing music. Make sure that the music is being played continuously. The music should be positive at a frequency above 300 hz and maximum 528 hz.
Devote time in reading
Try to utilize break time in reading spiritual and inspirational books, so that you develop positive and constructive thoughts in life. If you are a mythology fan, then you can start reading Gita as it will definitely bring more positivity in your life.
Be compassionate to yourself
It’s a tough time and we all need to be compassionate with ourselves. It is not important to be productive all the time. Some days, just doing the absolute bare minimum is all that can be managed, and that’s perfectly okay.