Finance Minister of India, Nirmala Sitaraman held a press conference to address the first installment of the Rs 20 lakh crore economic package that was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It focused on providing relief to the MSME (Micro,…
News & Sports
PM Addresses The Nation About Relief Package and Self-reliant India
Last night, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation amid the novel coronavirus pandemic about lockdown 4.0, and announced Rs 20 lakh crore economic package and his idea of a self-reliant India. Modi stated that this global situation has taught…
Deepa Malik stands for President of Paralympics Committee of India
Deepa Malik, Indian Javelin Paralympics athlete announced retirement and now is keen to serve Para athletes as President of the Paralympic Committee of India (PCI). She is the only women para-athlete to be honoured with the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna…
Atalanta Midfielder Dies At 19
Italian football club Atalanta’s player Andrea Rinaldi dies at 19 after suffering brain aneurysm. The club confirmed this news via Twitter, see the tweet: President Antonio Percassi and the whole Atalanta family offer Andrea #Rinaldi's relatives and A.C. #Legnano…
Government Formulates Lockdown Exit Strategy
Indian Railways has formulated a strategic exit from the lockdown by starting passenger trains with certain guidelines. This new plan will come in effect from 12 May as the passenger trains will start running in various part of the country…
La Liga Players Tested COVID-19 Positive
La Liga has confirmed that five players have been tested positive for coronavirus across Spain’s top two divisions, La Liga Santander and La Liga SmartBank. Each of them are asymptotic, will be allowed to restart practicing after testing negative twice…