Tired of watching the best movies of this year? Not able to appreciate a beautiful storyline, good graphics or incredible dialogues then give your soul a ‘jhatka’ by binge-watching these movies that make no sense at all (basically the worst…
Don’t Worry About Protein!
Protein is the building blocks of your body but if you have turned towards veganism, you must be hearing a lot about the lack of protein. Let us tell you, the statement, ‘meat is the only source of protein’ is…
Brides, We Have Your Back!
While you are all prepared to walk down the aisle, finding the right dress for the everyday rituals of your wedding is a difficult task. Being a bride, you can’t risk looking imperfect. Don’t worry, we have your back! With…
Those Stinky Feet!
Stinky feet are an embarrassing yet a very common thing. Though you might have gotten used to it but ask your friends, families or colleagues who have to sit right next to you and get suffocated with that smell. Keep…
Cricket Rankings At A Glance
The Indian cricket team is doing wonders in the world. Recently International Cricket Council (ICC) has released the list of teams and players giving out a worldwide ranking based on their performances. With Indian cricket team topping the list of…