Author – Andrew Cothern
While people are staying at home, theatre and playhouses around Virginia are providing online experiences to keep everyone entertained and learning. From streaming performances to behind the scenes experiences, here are some fun ways to virtually enjoy Virginia’s live entertainment while social distancing.
The American Shakespeare Centre is bringing Blackfriars Playhouse online with cinema-quality streaming video of the complete 2020 Actors’ Renaissance and Tour Homecoming seasons.
The Byrd Theatre in Richmond is offering numerous films to rent on its Virtual Screening Room.
Each weekday, Roanoke Children’s Theatre is posting live videos of at-home theater activities including performances, Q&As and more on its Facebook page.

The Grandin Theatre in Roanoke is offering movies to rent and watch from home on the theatre’s streaming platform.
The Barter Theatre in Abingdon is offering its patrons the ability to stream productions from home. The theatre’s production of “Peter Pan” will be online to patrons as well as access special bonus features. The theatre will also be providing coordinating educator resources, including lesson plans and a study guide.
The Birthplace of Country Music Museum has created several activities to help students and families to stay busy. Each activity is related to aspects of our museum content – from songwriting and the banjo to important figures from the 1927 Bristol Sessions and Radio Bristol.
The Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro has launched “At Home With The Wayne,” a series of online and digital materials that offer behind the scenes content including Q&As, singing lessons and downloadable art that will entertain, inspire, enrich, and enlighten audiences. All programs and special features are Pay What You Will.