By Smita Naram, Co-Founder, Ayushakti
Pregnancy is a wonderful phase as it provides immense happiness and satisfaction to women, by bringing a new life into the world. Although, gaining weight is a postpartum thing, but one can overcome it easily if one follows a balanced diet & detoxify their body on regular intervals if desired.
Pregnancy is one of the most common causes of radical weight-gain. Ayurveda suggests it’s better to maintain a balanced weight, rather than being clinically overweight. Taking efforts & reducing that extra-weight will help solve a lot of problems. One has to try follow and maintain a routine:
Avoiding food items like wheat, tomato, tamarind, curd/yogurt, red meat, dairy products, and sweets is recommended.
Avoiding the above mentioned food items from one’s diet would help balance the hormones, helps to maintain a balanced metabolism and reduce the swelling (fats).
10 days diet routine to follow:
Day 1-2
The first 2 days, consume only boiled water that has 1 /2 tbsp Ginger Powder (Suntha Powder). Five glasses will be enough; this will remove the unwanted toxins and give needed energy to the body, in turn improving the metabolism.
Day 3-5
Throughout the day, whenever one is hungry, prepare a soup using Mung Beans. Take the green mung beans, mix water in it & properly cook it with the spices that you need. This will melt the fat deep inside and start relieving the blockages. (One can also consume Tea/Coffee twice a day, to avoid headaches)
Day 6-10
These last 5 days, only consume the gravy form of mung beans & vegetables (of your choice), throughout the day. One can experiment with a variety of mung recipes during this period; it will help in eliminating the melted toxins out from the body.
After these 10 days, one can start consuming other normal food (but try to avoid the aforementioned).
Throughout the diet – one should maintain the proportion of Vegetables & Protein. It should be 2 bowls of Veggies & 1 bowl of Protein. All legumes, fish, egg & chicken comes under the protein column. One can also include a 1/2 bowl carbs intake, if one wants. This proportion will benefit a lot in your weight-loss expedition.