By Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Author, Columnist, Founder: Akshar Yoga Kendraa
A sedentary lifestyle, wrong eating habits, stress has become a major cause of increases blood sugar levels resulting into Diabetes, Insulin resistance or Gestational diabetes.
According to International Diabetes federation, Diabetes affect at least 285 million people worldwide and is expected to reach 438 millions by the year 2030. Symptoms of high blood sugar levels include excessive thirst, hunger, fatigue and urge to urinate frequently.
Diabetes can lead to complications like vision loss, heart attacks, kidney failure, dementia and nerve damage. Yoga an ancient science is beneficial in various lifestyle disorders including diabetes. Yoga practice includes yogic asanas, breathing techniques, mudra and meditation that not only prevents but heals the illness.
Studies have shown that yoga is effective in regulating blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity, reducing levels of free fatty acids, reduce body weight and body fat, improving glucose tolerance and lipid metabolism. Several studies have reported that practice of yoga significantly reduces HbA1c levels thus aiding to regulate blood sugar levels.
Yoga in managing Blood sugar levels.
- Stress Management: Yogic techniques like pranayama, meditation and yogic asanas help reduce stress and cortisol levels which improves insulin sensitivity.
- Improve Blood flow: The practice of yoga improves blood flow to muscles which can increase glucose intake.
- Mindfulness: Yoga help improve mindfulness which help reduce stress, make better choices improving quality of life.
- Muscle use: Practicing Yoga asanas help use the glucose reserves in the muscles which lower the blood sugar levels.
Practices in yoga to manage blood sugar levels
1. Ardha Matsendra Asana- Half spinal twist
Sit with on legs stretched out. Bend the right leg with foot touching the left buttock. Now take the left knee over the right leg placing the foot flat on the mat outside the left knee.
Exhale and twist slowly towards the left with the left hand at the back and the right hand grabbing the right toe.
Sit up as straight as possible.
Repeat from the other side.
– It massages the abdominal organs alleviating digestive ailments.
– It regulates secretions of adrenal glands, liver and pancreas and is beneficial for the
2. Paschimottanasana
Sit on the floor in Dandasana with feet together.
Inhale stretch both the hands up and with an exhale bend forward to hold the big toes with
the forehead touching the knees.
Hold the position as long as you are comfortable.
– The asana tones and massages the entire pelvic and abdominal region, including the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys and adrenal glands.
– It helps in removing the excess weight from the abdominal area
3. Balasana
Sit in vajraasana with hands on the knees.
Exhale and bend lowering the torso so that the arms are stretched out resting on the mat and the abdomen is pressed against the thighs with the hips touching the heels.
Stay there as long as one is comfortable.
– Effectively Calms the Mind: It soothes and relaxes the brain the brain that helps in destressing.
– Therapeutic for Digestion: This asana enhances digestive fire, it massages internal organs and aids digestion.
– Enhances blood circulation: Regular practice improves blood circulation supporting
optimal functioning of various organs.
4. Vajrasana:
Sit with knees on the mat and resting the hips on the heels.
Keep your back straight and hands on the knees.
Breath normally with a slow inhale and exhale.
Time duration: 10-15 minutes.
– Aids in digestion
– Helps manage glucose blood levels
– Stimulates pancreatic function
5. Kapalbhati pranayama
Sit in a comfortable meditation posture with head and spine upright. Rest your hands on the
Close your eyes and relax your body.
Inhale and exhale through both the nostrils forcefully contacting the abdominal muscles.
Inhalation is passive with relaxation of the abdominal muscles.
Continue with the rhythmic movement of the breath and abdominal muscles.
Time duration- morning and evening 10 minutes each
Contra-indication- Kapalbhati should be practiced on an empty stomach. A person
suffering with heart problems, high blood pressure, gastric ulcer, hernia should avoid the
– Improve pancreas efficiency in insulin production
– Control glucose levels in the blood.
– Helps in losing abdominal fat.
By incorporating the above techniques with a mindful eating pattern, the blood sugar levels
can be normalized eliminating health complications.
One can even include Himalayan techniques like Arambh dhyaan, siddha walk and Healing
walk to enhance the quality of life.