“Call Me Dancer,” the captivating documentary directed by Leslie Shampaine and Pip Gilmour and co-produced with ZDF/ARTE, clinched the coveted Best Documentary award at the 29th Shanghai TV Festival’s Magnolia Awards. This win celebrates the film’s exceptional ability to blend real-life drama with the artistry of dance, offering audiences a profound and engaging exploration of identity and the human spirit. The Magnolia Awards recognize the best international and national TV productions and is considered among the most prestigious in the TV industry along with the Golden Eagle Awards and the Feitian Awards.
“Call Me Dancer” chronicles the inspiring journey of a Mumbai hip-hop dancer navigating the clash between his artistic dreams and familial expectations. A transformative encounter with a seasoned ballet master propels him towards a risky decision, unravelling a narrative-rich cinematic documentary with themes of resilience, rebellion, and the transformative power of artistic expression. The film’s emotive storytelling and breathtaking choreography have resonated deeply with global audiences, cementing its status as a standout in the documentary genre.
Sabine Bubeck-Paaz, commissioning editor at ZDF/ARTE, submitted the film for the award and praised the film’s resonance, noting its significant impact on viewers worldwide and its strong performance on ARTE’s digital platforms. “Call Me Dancer” garnered over 100,000 views in its initial days, underscoring its popularity and relevance as a cultural phenomenon. ARTE’s Instagram page had over 1.1 million views.
This recognition underscores the documentary’s universal appeal and the ability to provoke meaningful conversations on ambition, cultural identity, and the enduring bonds forged through unexpected connections. The film’s success at the Magnolia Awards validates its innovative approach to storytelling and the profound influence it has with audiences worldwide.
Director Leslie Shampaine shared her gratitude for the recognition, noting, “Call Me Dancer” is a testament to the resilience and passion inherent in the human spirit. I am deeply honoured that its message continues to resonate and inspire.”
Produced in collaboration with ZDF/ARTE, “Call Me Dancer” has won 18 film festival awards, 9 are Audience Awards, and they were won at General festivals, Youth, South Asian, Dance and Jewish festivals. It stands as a compelling example of cinematic excellence that transcends cultural boundaries and captivates audiences with its authentic portrayal of real-life entertainment. “Call Me Dancer” continues to seek broadcast or streaming in North America and select territories.
For more information about “Call Me Dancer,” including upcoming screenings: CallMeDancer.com