The fashion icon of Indian Film Industry, who never turned away from trying out outlandish and bold looks, Sonam Kapoor is stepping into her 35 today. On this special occasion, as the Bollywood pours in warm wishes, we will be…
Preserve Food At Home
Staying at home with all the time in the world, it’s the perfect time to learn something new and productive. Once the world gets back on track, the first effect will be seen on our food habits. And as we…
Stay In Style With Spaghetti Dress
It’s peak summer times and a perfect moment to slip into those spaghetti strapped dresses. Spread your arms freely without worrying about the sweat patches in these cotton attires inspired by Bollywood queens. Take a look at your inspirations: …
‘Aarya’ Brings Sushmita In A Badass Role
Slowly web series and digital streaming platforms have swooped in the Indian market and Bollywood actors are also entering the small screens to reach the audience on a more personal level. Be it entering into the production line with channels…
Glow Like Ananya!
We all need a little sunshine in our life these days! And as we are stuck at home, it seems impossible. But don’t worry! We can always turn to Bollywood to enjoy our time and have a glimpse at how…