It’s been two years since the Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor tied the knot with Anand Ahuja. Before the nuptial ceremony, Sonam and Anand dated for four-long years and on this special day, the actress wrote a small note for her…
Cold Fruit Soup For Hot Summers
Hot summer days and a bowl of soup are a total No! But how to satisfy the creamy soup cravings? Indulge in the goodness of fruit soups that are served cold, apt for the hot weather. Here are some suggestions:…
Party With Games
Stay home, stay safe and play different games with Amazon. Yes! You heard it write, Amazon India is bringing more perks to its Prime customers to help them get through the lockdown times. Now, all the Amazon Prime members can…
Makeup For A Perfect Day Look
While staying at home, we all have lost touch with our makeup box and brushes. But you can also utilize this time to experiment with various day looks so when the lockdown gets over, you start your escapade of conquering…
The Office Guy Is Here
Steve Carell who made us all laugh with his leadership skill in the renowned series ‘The Office’ is back to lead yet another team but this time for a branch of US Armed Forces. The trailer of the upcoming Netflix…
Ziva Excels Her Dad
The adorable father-daughter duo, MS Dhoni and Ziva Dhoni are back to entertain us with their super-cute video. Dhoni is currently in his hometown due to nationwide lockdown and is spending quality time with his family as wifey Sakshi Dhoni…