#Trashtag is another online challenge which is going viral these days to encourage users to clean up places. This trending online challenge is prompting responsible social media users to clean up the dirty areas and complete the challenge by posting before-after photos of the cleaning process. This challenge has inspired people to make the world a cleaner, better place to live. Not only it has inspired people, but it also made people feel good about themselves in doing something constructive for the benefit of the city, the people of the city and the future generations.
So far there have been already more than 30,000 trash tag challenge posted by users on Instagram and countless people have tidied up parks, roads, and beaches around the world.
Plastic bags incline to derange the environment in a serious way. This guy took a step ahead to clean the area full of plastic bags which is affecting the environment.
Numbers of rivers have been qualified as polluted river because of the trash. This girl took courage to clean the river full of plastic bags and pounds of trash.
These people, including others, accepted the #trashtag challenge and completed so gracefully, making their environment healthy and clean. If you also want to make your place in a neat and clean environment, pick those trashes and throw them in a trash can, no matter who made the mess.
“Let’s Go Green To Make Our Globe Clean”