Everyone is a fan of chocolate. One of the forbidden childhood treasures, chocolate is a rescue at times of need! From uplifting moods to preventing ailments, it’s the real deal. The worst heartbreak fixer, chocolate is an extreme passion. So…
The Best Coffee Substitutes
Coffee is the go-to morning beverage for many, while others choose not to drink it for a host of reasons. For some, the high amount of caffeine causes jitters. Many simply don’t care for the bitter taste and just enjoy…
Hot and Spicy With Healthy Benefits
Want spicy food? Add green chilli to get the taste. Not only does it give the spicy touch, green chilies come with a pack of health benefits which almost seem unbelievable. Let’s look at the healing benefits this humble spice…
Quick Morning Grabs
In the morning we all are in a rush and usually skip the best meal of the day. As it is said “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”, always have a good…