World Environment Day By Dr Chytra Anand, Celebrity Dermatologist & Entrepreneur, Chief Formulator at Skin Q
Global warming is a real issue in today’s world. A very discussed and debated issue among this very matter is eco-friendly products and sustainability. Eco-friendly products are free of toxins and harmful chemicals, especially plastic since traditional packaging is mainly synthetic. Global warming is and should be a concern for every earth citizen and adopting eco-friendly products and promoting sustainable brands is one way to reduce the carbon footprint.
Skin Q with its Vegan, Chemical Free and Cruelty Free products take complete pride in being one of the few environment friendly formulations of this country.
Skin Q is working towards adapting eco-friendly packaging. This has been hard to adapt from the day 1 due to lack of options in eco-friendly packaging in India and Covid restrictions on import
For a brand like Skin Q, going green is an expensive investment at the start but we understand that it eventually balances out and pays off, as it is a long-term activity. Going green will the cost of production as sustainable materials are more expensive and availability and innovation in sustainable products are still limited, however we are satisfied and proud as we know that our efforts will create long-term positive effects on the environment.
Skin Q actively propagates and deeply believes in conscious consumerism as it is very important for them to evaluate that their buyer behaviour contributes to the environment which motivates the brand in return to keep producing eco-friendly products.
At Skin Q, we believe in creating a community of people around us who are willing to make a collective effort to build a green culture for the future generations to prosper. It is on our time today that we take these conscious decisions and pave the way for the future.
Happy World Environment Day!