Promising fashion designer Harsh Vardhan Jalan has joined forces with Liva Fabrics, the premium offering from the house of Birla Cellulose, to present an extraordinary couture collection that redefines sustainable fashion. The collection, inspired by “Prana”—the ancient Indian concept of the vital life force—showcases a harmonious blend of cultural heritage, modern innovation, and environmental consciousness.
This ground-breaking collection celebrates the interconnectedness of life, resilience, and adaptability, exploring the enduring spirit of nature and humanity. Crafted from innovative materials, including repurposed waste fish scales, the designs blend traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics. Techniques such as crochet, traditional embroidery, and distressed yarn intertwining form the foundation of bold, surreal silhouettes that speak to a culturally rooted design philosophy.
Commenting on the collaboration, Mr. Sree Charan, Vice President Marketing and Global Head of Brands at Birla Cellulose, Aditya Birla Group, said, “At Liva, we believe in championing sustainability while delivering fabrics that inspire creativity. Collaborating with Harsh Vardhan Jalan has been a journey of innovation and purpose, as this collection embodies the perfect synergy of nature, fashion, and artistry. It’s a testament to how sustainability can fuel unparalleled design excellence.”
The color palette of the collection symbolizes the cycle of life, death and renewal, drawing inspiration from the essence of trees and their journey through time. The designs aim to evoke a deeper connection to nature while celebrating the strength and beauty of the human spirit.
Speaking about the inspiration behind his collection, Harsh Vardhan Jalan shared, “‘Prana’ is a deeply personal concept to me, as it reflects the flow of life that connects every being. Working with Liva Fabrics allowed me to bring this vision to life through sustainable materials and techniques that honor our cultural heritage while embracing modern aesthetics. This collaboration is a reflection of our shared commitment to innovation, artistry, and the planet.”
The collection redefines luxury fashion by fusing sustainability with innovation, featuring eco-friendly fabrics and impeccable craftsmanship that aligns with the values of conscious consumers who seek value. A landmark in sustainable fashion, it brings Harsh Vardhan Jalan’s visionary designs to life with Liva’s revolutionary fabrics, proving that fashion can inspire meaningful change
About LIVA:
LIVA, a flagship brand of the Aditya Birla Group, is a 100% nature-based ingredient fabric brand, ideal for crafting apparel, home textile, & nonwoven applications. Committed to promoting sustainable fashion and contributing to a greener future, Liva fabrics are made from renewable plant-based fibers, sourced sustainably from wood pulp and widely known for their fluidity, breathability, and luxurious drape.
LIVA’s flawless drapes and breathable fabric, gives every rising fashionista a chance to glide, breathe and flow as they conquer the world, fashionably and unrestricted. Made with 100% plant-based fabrics, this partnership is a seamless fit in every success for every woman.