Tamil Superstar Vijay’s most anticipated movie ‘Master’ will hit the theatres on 13 January, 2021 and since the announcement of the release date, netizens have gone into frenzy. But ahead of the most awaited movie from Thalapathy, Dhanush has a…
Revised Schedule Of ATP Tour
While the hanut of COVID is still on, ATP, after revising the schedule of the first seven weeks of the 2021 season, has announced the new schedule for weeks 8-13 of the tour. In the spring calendar of the Tennis…
Amitabh’s Rock Style
The multi faceted actor Amitabh Bachchan has embraced various avatars in his career and brilliantly aced them all. From being a village boy, Shehanshah to a don, Big B has brought vivid characters on the screen, ruling the hearts of…