India’s first-ever micro drama festival, Thespis, is all set to captivate theatre lovers with its fourth edition. Organized by Vriksh the Theatre, the festival has established itself as a pioneer in micro drama, showcasing short plays with a maximum duration of ten minutes. In its fourth edition, the festival will bring together 30 plays from various Indian languages in one day, continuing its tradition of celebrating linguistic diversity to witness a marathon of compelling stories, where each play packs emotion, drama, and creativity into a compact 10-minute performance. The event is anticipated to feature over 600 artists in multiple categories.
On the occasion, Dr. Abhilash Pillai, Festival Director, Thespis expressed, “I have had the immense privilege of being the Festival Director for all three editions held from 2017 to 2019. Each edition was a groundbreaking success, not only introducing a new format to Indian theatre but also receiving accolades for its unique approach. We are proud to announce that the festival has already achieved two “Best of India” records for its remarkable contributions to the arts. Your participation could be the next chapter in this inspiring journey.”
The festival has seen remarkable growth, receiving over 250 entries from across the country each year. In 2025, 30 selected plays will contest for prestigious awards in the competition. As in previous years, cash prizes will be awarded in ten categories, including Best Production, Best Script, Best Direction, Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Technician. The top honor, Best Play, will come with a cash prize of Rs 50,000. Thespis has become a vital platform for theatre groups, helping them achieve national recognition while fostering and celebrating talent.
The festival promises a delightful experience for Indian theatre lovers, with each micro-drama offering a distinctive narrative within the ten-minute limit. With each year, Thespis continues to gain prominence, drawing attention nationwide and inspiring a revival of short-format theatre. The festival is scheduled for February 2nd, 2025, at the iconic LTG Auditorium, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi.
About Vriksh The Theatre –
Vriksh the Theatre, founded in 2015 at Kerala Club, New Delhi, has always championed the cause of using art for social good. With a mission of “Art for Humanity”, Thespis embodies their dedication to combining creativity with compassion. Over the years, the group has continued to push the boundaries of theatre, while also staying grounded in its commitment to community causes, such as Natural Disaster and the support of street children.