Bright And Healthy Mango Salads

Mango is the perfect sweet and juicy fruit that adds a bright kick to any bowl of greens. At such hard times, nutritional meals are the most important and what’s better than having a bowl of salad with mango dressings.…

Social Media Trending Food

Everyone is trying new recipes sitting at home and well, many of us have realized we have a chef hidden in us. Thanks to social media, people are cooking new dishes after seeing posts or pictures about it all over…

Prepare Hand Sanitizers At Home

As Coronavirus is increasing its spread over the world, hygiene is becoming a major concern for everyone. So is the rise in the sale of hand sanitizers and mouth masks. But the market is falling short of the demands of…

Toe Nail Fungus Fixes

Your weekend pedicure, post-workout shower or barefoot walk have left you with an unwelcome gift- Toenail Fungus. So, using home remedies get your nails to their former glory. See:   1. Opt For Olive Leaf Extract With antifungal, antimicrobial, and…

Brush Off Your Hair Dandruff

The most embarrassing moment is when you’re dressed up and you get an all-consuming need to scratch your itchy scalp. The cascade of white flakes will fall on your outfit and it’ll be laid bare for all to see. A…

Hangover Dealers

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner and the party mood has set in! It’s that time of the year when even those who usually don’t indulge in heavy drinking tend to go overboard. And the repercussions of…

Have A Bad Breath? We Got You Covered

Been told you’ve got bad breath? No worries, you can fix it easily and don’t feel embarrassed too. Some of the most common reasons of bad breath are dental cavities, a coated tongue due to inflammation, gum disease, lack of…

Sayonara, Sinus!

In this polluted weather, sinus is the last thing you would want to add to your troubles. The headache feels like excruciating pain in and around the nasal that is accompanied by a stinging pain. If you ask us, sinus…

Stained? Try These Quickie Hacks

If stubborn stains, patches and spills are a mess for you, we have rescue tips that’ll save your favorite clothes. You don’t have to go anywhere but use your kitchen stuff for easy and clever ways to remove stains. However,…

Those Stinky Feet!

Stinky feet are an embarrassing yet a very common thing. Though you might have gotten used to it but ask your friends, families or colleagues who have to sit right next to you and get suffocated with that smell. Keep…

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