4th Edition of the Chocolate Taster’s Certification Course in India: Indulge in the Art of Chocolate!

Cocoashala, India’s premier startup dedicated to the world of cacao and bean to bar chocolates, is set to make history in Chennai this March! Teaming up with IICCT UK, Cocoashala, Chennai led by L Nitin Chordia, India’s first certified chocolate…

‘Smart’ Diaper For Your Lil Munchkin

For few infants, a wet diaper needs to be changed immediately while the others just play for hours without causing a fit. But if worn too long, a wet diaper can cause painful rashes to your baby. Massachusetts Institute of…

An Experience To Create

Apple has launched the world’s best pro desktop, an all-new 16 inch MacBook Pro, especially designed for creative brains or anyone who wants to create their life’s best work. Along with a brilliant and the largest retina display, it has…

New Sensory Organ For Pain Discovered

Researchers at Karolinska Institute in Sweden have discovered a new sensory organ in the skin that detects pain. Published in the journal ‘Science’, this discovery points to a special cell surrounding the nerve cells and extending into the outer layer…

Men and Women’s Health On Stake

Researchers from pharmaceutical company Pfizer, healthcare research firm Kantar Health and Alvarado Hospital in San Diego, California, USA, carried out a study. According to the study, erectile dysfunction (ED) impacts work productivity, absenteeism and a decrease in health-related quality of…

‘Higher’ Vitamin A Intake, ‘Lower’ Skin Cancer Chances

A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Dermatology, has revealed that a higher intake of Vitamin A can reduce the risk of skin cancer. This study was conducted by researchers from Brown University, Rhode Island, US…

Milky Way’s Violent Birth Decoded

Researchers from Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain, conducted a study which was added to the journal ‘Nature Astronomy’. Based on the data from the Gaia space observatory, the Milky Way, home to our sun and billion stars, merged with another…

World’s Smallest MRI, Scans Individual Atoms

Wake up those geek gods! We have all seen that fancy Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine, either in real or reel life, majorly when it’s shown in the movies and we see a character going for a scan in the…

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