Celebrate A Sweet Makar Sankranti

Get ready to feel some warmth in the winters as Makar Sankranti is here. Marked by longer days after months and months of cold, freezing and short daytimes, Makar Sankranti brings a moment to celebrate the new harvest as the…

Stay Indoor And Celebrate Halloween!

Halloween is here! (Ain’t the entire year has been scary??) And since the frightening Coronavirus is on loose, we would all love to stay locked inside our houses, maintaining social distance to save ourselves from this monstrous virus which has…

Welcome Bappa Maurya With Modak!

All geared up to bring Bappa Maurya at home. But is his favourite sweet missing from your house? Well, with all the time in the world, try these unique and easy modaks this Ganesh Chaturthi and impress Lord Ganesha and…

Special Eid Menu!

Eid Mubarak to everyone! But no hugs and handshakes this time! However, the real charm of any festival is the special menu that follows it. This Eid rather than going out enjoy your time at home, cooking some really delicious…

Group Session With Spotify Premium

Staying farway from friends and family but suddenly that one song popped up on your list which is your group’s jam, making you wonder how exactly to enjoy it like old days? Spotify has an answer to it. The music…

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