Things To Do With Your Daily Bread

We all know what role does bread play in our sustenance. A part of our daily meal, bread comes in different shapes and sizes and we all feel blessed with its presence otherwise what else could have satisfied our hunger…

The BRAT Diet

The BRAT diet stands for Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast, is highly recommended for treating stomach illness, nausea and vomiting. Since these foods are low in protein, fat and fiber, it is easier to digest.   1. Bananas Bananas have…

Get That Silky Mane With These Nutritious Food

If you’ve already found your shampoo and conditioner, you’re off to a good start! But for the hair to get the mirror like shine, you need to work on it from the inside too. So, pack your boxes with nutritious…

Handy Fixes For The Swollen Feet

If you often have swollen feet and no obvious cause like a long day on your feet, it can be because of circulation or heart problems. But if you have ruled out medical causes, there are a number of home…

Love Weird Food Combinations? We too!

If you are alone, you will end up eating pretty strange things, especially food that gets you excited! Whatever you love to eat, we bet others will find the odd combinations just as delicious as you do. To celebrate the weirdness,…

The Best Coffee Substitutes

Coffee is the go-to morning beverage for many, while others choose not to drink it for a host of reasons. For some, the high amount of caffeine causes jitters. Many simply don’t care for the bitter taste and just enjoy…

This Winter, Satisfy Your Taste Buds

During the winter, soup is bae but salads will convince you to get your greens in year round. With yummy winter ingredients in soups and salads, be ready to fill your stomach and feel warm in your couches. Try the…

Snacking Before Napping

Who doesn’t want a good night’s sleep? But usually because of the ever growing stress conditions, our sleep gets hampered and we end up in a restless feel. While we all need a good recommended stretch of sleep, some of…

Get Rid Of Dead Skin

Want to get rid of those flaky skin? Splurging on those scrubs is fine but we will tell you some of the homemade scrubs that won’t burn a hole in your pocket and also give you a healthy shine. Find…

Quick Morning Grabs

In the morning we all are in a rush and usually skip the best meal of the day. As it is said “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”, always have a good…

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