Yoghurt Snacks For The Summer

Whether you like yoghurt tangy or sweetened with fruit, it does make a perfect summer snack. It is not only a light but refreshing bite, but is also used in countless ways in the kitchen. Plain yogurt serves as the…

Spice Up Your Dishes With Turmeric

Have you fallen in love with turmeric yet? This potent and aromatic orange spice adds a ton of flavour to recipes while providing health benefits. Whether you have a jar of turmeric lurking in the back of your pantry or…

Masks For That Shiny Nose

Getting the shine on your nose is tricky. No matter how well you take care of your skin, acne or blackheads just show up sometimes, usually at the worst possible time. If you’re finally ready to get that shiny nose…

How To Reuse Leftover Dal

One of the most frequently cooked dishes in an Indian kitchen is Dal, which goes with everything one eats, be it rice or Indian bread. From Dal Tadka to Dal Makhani, dal based dishes are subtle on the taste buds…

Tomato Splash On Facial Skin

Bright red, tangy and full of goodness, tomatoes have so much to offer for a glowing skin. Apart from being used in the culinary world to add zest and colour, tomatoes can make your skin spot free. With astringent and…

Classic Greek Salad

Café name :- Moti mahal deluxe South ex part -2 Chef-  Vinod Singh Pundeer   Classic Greek salad- Known as horiatiki, this traditional Greek salad is made with cherry tomatoes, cucumber, kalamata olives, thinly sliced red onion, and feta. The easy dressing…

Valentine’s Day Dinner Ideas

Design a delicious Valentine’s Day dinner with the finest romantic recipe to impress your love. Show off your cooking skills with easy mouth-watering food that are sparkled with seasonal flavours. Yum! Scroll down: 1. Mushroom Tart: Speak to his/her heart…

Hangover Dealers

Christmas and New Year are just around the corner and the party mood has set in! It’s that time of the year when even those who usually don’t indulge in heavy drinking tend to go overboard. And the repercussions of…

Organic Hair Dye

At some point in time, we all crave to give a new look to our hair and that does not mean just a stylish haircut. Dying our hair is one of the options that completely change the appearance but the…

Ice Pops For Your Sore Throat

Savouring on Ice pops during the winter season brings another level of joy. But as the season enters, cold, flu and sore throat has become a common sight, taking us far from our favourite popsicles. But do you know eating…

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