Nutritional Week: 5 must have superfoods to overcome stress for Young Professionals

Due to the pandemic, working round the clock has become a norm these days, and many times we cannot avoid feeling anxious and stressed. Due to the overall situation many youngsters are facing health issues, stress levels go down or…

Heartfulness Meditation reduces vengeful attitude in Youththroughincrease inpositive motivation and minimizing negative motivations that lead to revenge -says study

Heartfulness Meditation’s HELP program has a positive impact on students’ motivation as per a study published in the International Journal of Current Research. It concluded that Positive motivation (Benevolence) leads to rewards and negative motivation (Revenge & Avoidance) towards pain.…

Take Charge for your Health: Nutrition guide for the youth

By Dr Manoj Kutteri, Director & Chief Healing Officer, Atmantan Naturals Diet is an integral part of being young. It is extremely important to take care of one’s body during the period of growing and it is equally important to…

Selfcare on priority: 5 daily essentials to pamper yourself

Juggling between professional and personal life, it has become a tough task to look after yourself. Sometimes it feels like a puzzle to start as there is a lot to be taken care of in our body which we end…


Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome has been a common yet scary disorder. The prevalence rate among adolescent girls has immensely increased. Researchers even state that most of the victims suffering from PCOS are unaware of their condition. What is PCOS? The girls…

Celebrate World Chocolate Day with Indulgent and Luscious Smoothie Bowls by Nutridock

With World Chocolate Day around the corner, give your tastebuds a rich treat with chocolate smoothie bowls by Nutridock. They are not only absolutely scrummy, but also a healthy alternative to your regular porridge. Frozen Berry Chocolate Smoothie Bowl: [206…

Reebok brand friend, Malaika Arora Shares Different Asanas to Begin Your Yoga Journey this International Yoga Day

Leading fitness and lifestyle brand Reebok, has always been propagating a healthy lifestyle and activities that will align ones mental and physical health. Keeping this thought in mind, Reebok, and brand friend Malaika Arora over the years have worked on…

Fitza blends traditional nutrition wisdom with modern technology

The first-ever intelligent virtual nutrition coach is a breath of fresh air amidst fad diets and ineffective meal plans. Fitza is a one-of-a-kind mobile app conceptualized to touch the lives of people through health and nutrition, leveraging on technology. Available…

Summer Skincare with Mystic Valley

Don’t we all love the sunny skies and longer, fun-filled days of summer? But too much exposure to the sun can really cost up our skin. As the temperature rises it is extremely important to have a proper summer skincare…

Replace your sugary drink with a cup of Teabox’s Be Balanced tea

As much as sugar has become an integral part of our daily diet, we often fail to realise how it’s gradually harming our health while adding nothing significant to our food and beverages. Everything we need to achieve and maintain optimum…

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