Have A Bad Breath? We Got You Covered

Been told you’ve got bad breath? No worries, you can fix it easily and don’t feel embarrassed too. Some of the most common reasons of bad breath are dental cavities, a coated tongue due to inflammation, gum disease, lack of…

Sayonara, Sinus!

In this polluted weather, sinus is the last thing you would want to add to your troubles. The headache feels like excruciating pain in and around the nasal that is accompanied by a stinging pain. If you ask us, sinus…

The Best Coffee Substitutes

Coffee is the go-to morning beverage for many, while others choose not to drink it for a host of reasons. For some, the high amount of caffeine causes jitters. Many simply don’t care for the bitter taste and just enjoy…

Stained? Try These Quickie Hacks

If stubborn stains, patches and spills are a mess for you, we have rescue tips that’ll save your favorite clothes. You don’t have to go anywhere but use your kitchen stuff for easy and clever ways to remove stains. However,…

Replace your sugary drink with a cup of Teabox’s Be Balanced tea

As much as sugar has become an integral part of our daily diet, we often fail to realise how it’s gradually harming our health while adding nothing significant to our food and beverages. Everything we need to achieve and maintain optimum…

Iron Rich Food For You!

Pumping up your iron levels can help you feel more energized all day long! Iron plays a role in many bodily functions, from helping to create the haemoglobin that transports oxygen throughout the body and in creating few hormones. Here…

Use Home Products, Get Rid Of Acne!

Are you tired of inopportune breakouts? Do acne symptoms plague your life, despite every attempt to keep them at bay? Acne is every girl’s enemy, caused due to diet, lifestyle, stress or just that time of the month, we’ve compiled…

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